Time in Bhutan (Asia)

What is the Current Local Time in Bhutan Now?

The Analog Clock above displays the current local time in Bhutan. The Bhutan Standard Time also known as BTT. Bhutan Time Zone is UTC+6 or UTC+6:00 hours which means that the Bhutan Standard Time is always 6:00 hours ahead of the UTC. Bhutan does not utilise DST or Daylight Saving Time at any time. Hence, the time in Bhutan is always maintained at UTC+6:00 hours al through the year.

Bhutan Local Time History

If you thought that Bhutan time has always maintained UTC+6:00 hours then you could be wrong. The timein Bhutan since the year 1800 onwards was always maintained at UTC+5:58:36 hours or five hours, fifty eight minutes and thirty six seconds ahead of the UTC. Even though the British ruled Bhutan only between 1772 till 1906, the time in Bhutan remained at UTC+5:58:36 Hours till the year 1946. But in the year 1947 on a Friday, the 15th of August when India got its independence from British rule, the time in Bhutan was synchronised with IST or Indian Standard Time by reducing 28:36 minutes to read the local time same as India at UTC+5:30 hours. This new time in Bhutan of UTC+5:30 was utilised for many years till 01 October 1987 which was a Thursday by increasing a 30 minutes to the time and bring back to its zone time which existed previously, to read UTC+6:00 hours. Since then there has not been any changes affected to the time in Bhutan. The time in Bhutan seems to have finally settled at UTC+6:00 hours which is also its zone time.

Bhutan is the Happiness Country in Asia

In Asia, Bhutan is the Happiest Country because the Happiness Quotient of Bhutan is the Highest in Asia and eighth highest in the entire world. Even TV was banned in Bhutan till 1999 when King Jigme Singye Wanchuk decided that it would be beneficial for his country to modernise if TV is viewed by his people. The King Jigme Singye Wanchuk had a democratic bent in the late 1990's and introduced a constitution in his country in 2005. In the year 2008, he even abdicated in favour of his young son who is the royal groom today named Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wanchuk. But his greatest legacy is his concept of the GNH or Gross National Happiness to measure the nation's well being which according to him is an alternative of GNP or Gross National Product. Despite being a poor country with wide spread illiteracy. This is something that makes Bhutan a case study as to how people could be happy despite poverty and illiteracy even the modern technologically advanced time and despite having a wealthy and powerful neighbour like India. Bhutan's 31 year old King even went to the extent of marrying a student 10 years junior and a common man's daughter and made her the queen of Bhutan. Such is the power of happiness in Bhutan even in modern time.